The Cryo-Lab is designed as a low cost, tabletop cryostat system for electrical research, rapid pre-testing of dilution refrigerator samples, or for educational purposes. It can be configured with a variety of electrical interfaces. The high-volume sample chamber combined with the powerful cooling capabilities make this an experimental workhorse, ready for your next big project!
Cryo-Lab Features
- Easy to use cryostat
- Plenty of room for electrical interfaces; Can be configured with RF, DC, fiber optics
- Large 40K and 4K cold plates available
- Enclosure height may be expanded to suit your work
- Perfect for low temp classwork or general lab use
- Perfect for electrical pre-testing chips before putting them into long cooldown dilution refrigerator units
- Quick cooldown – less than 2 hours

Technical Data and Specs
- 150-250 mm diameter cold plate
- 40K radiation shield with optional windows
- 25 DC connections available to the user, integrated and heat sunk at 4K cold plate. Option to add more connections.
- Integrated turbo pump, roughing pump, and full-scale pressure gauge
- Integrated temperature sensors and heaters on cold plate and radiation shield
- Models:
- CRYO-LAB 200
- 2.8K Base Temperature
- 200mW of cooling power at 4.2K
- CRYO-LAB 1000
- <3.0K Base Temperature
- 1000mW of cooling power at 4.5K
- Cooldown time 60-90 minutes
- Warmup time 60 minutes