Configurable components on the SideKick Cryostats

Explore the add-ons to our flagship cryostats. Option compatibility is subject to individual project requirements.

Cold Plate Size

Plenty of room for your equipment and samples. *SK 100 & 300 only

Standard: 200 mm

Larger option: 250 mm

Chamber Castles

Add additional height or working configurations to your sample chamber.

Multiple standard options available.


Take a look inside your sample chamber.

Multiple window sizes, materials, and coatings are available.

Vacuum Design

Our proprietary differentially pumped dual-seal vacuum chamber provides outstanding UHV performance.

DC Interfaces

Interfaces available to pass low-frequency signals through the vacuum chamber walls.

Options: DB25, Micro D25, Micro D9, and Micro D100

RF Interfaces

High frequency signals may be passed via coaxial cables using SMA interfaces.

Options: 4x RF, 6x RF, and 20x RF

Fiber Optic

Multiple fiber optic cables can be fed through the vacuum chamber walls via compression fittings.

Gas Tubes

Introduce a controlled gas to your sample chamber via a gas feedthrough.

Temp Sensors

Mounted in multiple locations throughout the system, these sensors keep track of your experiments down to near-absolute zero.

Integrated Bakeout

Optional heating package that drastically improves vacuum quality and reduces the warmup time.

Low Vibration

Improve the SideKick’s already legendary low-vibration performance with an added insert that removes any additional kinetic energy. Perfect for AFM applications.

Magnet Ready

Equip your cold plate with thermally lagged lugs capable of powering a superconducting magnet.